Thursday, May 9, 2013

User-Generated Content and the 4 E's

Over the past semester I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this blog and exploring the world of user-generated content. It was fascinating to me how many different user-generated content platforms there were out there, and the infinite ways different organizations can utilize these platforms. As I was exploring various platforms (Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, Snapchat, etc.) I couldn't help but think that despite their obvious differences, that to make the most out of these sites businesses have to approach them with a similar mindset.

For my last post I wanted to summarize how all of these user-generated content sites need to be approached in a similar way in order to serve as a successful marketing tool. While thinking upon this, I cam across this short video of Jeffery Hayzlett, Chief Marketing Office of Eastman Kodak, who explains his companies strategy for utilizing social media and user generated content. He states that it's all about the 4 E's.

1. Engagement: You need to get engaged with your consumers, and know what it is your consumers are thinking and what they desire. These conversations are going on with or without you, so it's best that you are the one engaging with them.

2. Education: This goes two ways. You need to educate the consumer about your product or service, and they will educate you on what they seek and desire from you.

3. Excite: You want people to not only know about your product or service, but get them excited about it. Use innovative ways to get your messages to stick in their mind and get them excited for what you have to offer.

4. Evangelize: If you preform the first 3 things, then you will turn your consumers into brand ambassadors. That's the beauty of social media is if you complete this then you have created a network of individuals helping you market your brand and product.

These 4 steps simply explained by Mr. Hayzlett are equally applicable to any of the platforms I have written about this semester. So if you are looking to begin advertising using user-generated content remember your 4 E's!

I hope you have all enjoyed reading this blog as much as I have enjoyed writing it! Farewell and have a great summer!


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