Monday, May 6, 2013

Microblogging with Tumblr

            Suppose you have just created an upstart business, and are trying to spread the word on your brand and the product and services you offer. You feel that you have a lot to say about your product, so what better way to spread information about your brand while also being able to show your knowledge of your industry by writing a blog? Virtually every company has a blog these days. More often then not their blog is an extension of the company’s website. But since your company is new, many people aren’t going to be actively searching for your blog, let alone even know your blog exists. So what is a relatively easy way to write and gather readers for your blog? Why not use the microblogging platform Tumblr!

            Microblogs are a service that enables the broadcasting of short messages to interested users. Tumblr is part microblog, part social network, which is why it can serve as a very effective blogging and advertising platform for businesses, particularly new businesses. There are many benefits for a business to utilize a tumblr. First of all it is free. It is very easy to set up and personalize (although those who are well versed in blogging sometimes see Tumblr’s format as a bit limiting).  It allows you to post and share all forms of media, including text, images, video, and audio.

            The biggest benefit of Tumblr to businesses is how it also serves as a social network. Tumblr has a huge following upon which businesses can link their posts to other blogs by following, liking, and reblogging from others blogs, and allowing others to do the same from theirs. According to Tumblr’s website it contains over 106 million blogs, and to date their has been 49.8 billion posts. That is quite a large community to which your business could be exposed to.

            You might now be wondering what is the benefit of having a tumblr when you already have a Facebook page? From what I have thus far described, everything you are able to do on Tumblr you can effectively do on a Facebook as well, but their are many benefits in using a Tumblr in addition to Facebook. First of all, blogs on Tumblr can be accessed directly through search engines, which increases your search visibility. I had a friend who had a tumblr, and he even bought his own domain name for his Tumblr, allowing for even easier searches. Tumblr also enables tags for posts, which allows users to easier find blogs  that appeal to them based on the tags they utilize.

Here is a list of some businesses that utilize Tumblr. Let us know which businesses you follow on Tumblr, or who you would like to see get one!


1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of tumblr before reading this blog. This blog has made me curious and I might get one to see what this is all about.
